Taslima Akter
Assistant Professor, University of Texas San AntonioFormer CIFellow Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Irvine
PhD in Computer Science, Indiana University Bloomington
HCI, Usable Security & Privacy, Accessibility
About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA). Prior to joining UTSA, I worked as a CIFellow Postdoctoral researcher mentored by Dr. Anne Marie Piper in the Department of Informatics at the Univerity of California Irvine. I am a recipient of 2021 National Science Foundation/ Computing Research Association, Computing Innovation Fellowship. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering (SICE) at Indiana University, Bloomington. I was advised by Professor Apu Kapadia at Privacy Lab during my PhD. I have completed my undergraduate from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). In Fall 2018, I have done internship at Microsoft Research India to explore the shared privacy concerns of visually impaired people and bystanders in the context of camera-based assistive technologies.My current research interest lies in the field of usable privacy and security in the context of assistive technologies; in particular I am excited about understanding and designing systems that can address privacy challenges faced by people with visual impairments while using existing and emerging assistive technologies. During my undergraduate studies, I worked on visual sensor network, wireless network, and mobile computing.
I am currently looking for graduate students.
Recent News
Oct 2024: Serving as a Program Committee member in ASSETS 2024 and SOUPS 2024.August 2024: Joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at UTSA.
August 2024: Served as Lightning Talks/Demos co-chair in SOUPS 2024.
May 2024: Served as Associate Chair (Privacy Sub-committee) in CHI 2024.
August 2023: Served as Lightning Talks/Demos co-chair in SOUPS 2023.
August 2023: Served as a Program Committee member in SOUPS 2023, ASSETS 2023, and CCS 2023.
July 2023: Paper published in ASSETS 2023.
Nov 2022: Two papers published in CSCW 2022.
June 2022: Started Postdoc at the University of California Irvine supported by CIFellows 2021.
May 2022: Completed PhD in Computer Science from Indiana University.
January 2022: Published paper in TACCESS 2022.
Oct 2020: Presented paper on shared privacy concens of visually impaired people and bystanders at ASSETS, 2020.
Oct 2020: Attended Doctoral Consortium and presented poster at CSCW 2020.
Aug 2020: Organized Workshop on Inclusive Privacy and Security (WIPS) at SOUPS, 2020.
Feb 2020: My doctoral dissertation work received Google Faculty Research Award.
Oct 2019: Attended doctoral consortium at ASSETS 2019.
Sep 2018: Started my fall internship at Microsoft Research India.